The present CVM House “was originally built by Varkey Vakeel’s youngest son Mr C V Mathew close to 100 years ago in a piece of land he had inherited from his father. Late C V Mathew, was a pioneer in the movie exhibition business in TVLA by starting the first cinema theatre “CVM Theatre” and later with the second theatre “Deep Theatre” named after his granddaughter Deepa John. The first one “CVM Theatre” was demolished many years ago but the Deepa theatre building still stands as a landmark of TVLA which the present owners have rented it to Spencers Supermarket. The building next to Deepa Theatre took the name “Deepa Towers ” and the authorities named the main Junction facing” Deepa Junction”.
CVM house after 3 years of restoration and renovation is now opened as a “vacation villa ” to the public. When the restoration started someone posted on a Facebook page of “Thiruvella Town” with the caption ” Finally CVM House is also going under the hammer ” which gave the idea to name it” CVM House ” as the locals identify that house. The link to the designer’s posts highlights this journey