About The CVM House

Not so long ago, a social media post about the demolition of an old house in Tiruvalla, now a service villa in Thiruvalla became the talk of the town. Town folk called it CVM House or the house of the late Mr. C. V. Mathew. “Mathechan”, as he was affectionately called, was an inspirational man whose pioneering work led to the establishment of CVM and Deepa Theatres, the earliest cinemas of Tiruvalla town. His father, the late Mr. V. Varkey, popularly known as “Varkey Vakeel”, had purchased this land 140 years ago, after donating his inheritance to the Marthoma Church. 

The same compassion empowered his son to construct the hundred-year-old heritage building it currently is. As the name stayed on, so did its legacy amongst the local crowd in Tiruvalla. As a homage to this honour, the family decided to restore the house to its former glory, with the folklore still reverberating within its many walls. Today, CVM House is a service villa in Thiruvalla with its beckoning traditional charm, resplendent green gardens and a team of friendly and competent staff.

About Us

A service Villa in Thiruvalla:

CVM House ForefathersThe white gleaming gates of CVM House open into a property from an erstwhile period. A hundred years of existence has been meticulously reworked into a home for celebration, a gathering for your loved ones or a weekend away from work. Spread over an ample 3200 square feet, CVM House stands a testament to the timeless aura of Kerala architecture. Entwined with present-day utilities and 24-hour service, the villa is the ideal destination for a pre-wedding/post-wedding event, family gathering or even an all-encompassing afterparty. Carved wooden doors, sloped roofs with a rambling array of tiles, a customary verandah that snakes around the house and classic furniture are all commonplace in this palace of the past. All rooms open into the surrounding and beautiful yard, a feature of conventional homes in the state. CVM House transcends the definition of a villa, bringing together an assortment of emotions that blend seamlessly with your definition of having a good time!
A service Villa in Thiruvalla: