Connection Between A Traffic Intersection & CVM House !

Thiruvalla Town

Those of who have lived in Thiruvella or passed through Thiruvella Town would know the first Junction when you enter the town from Changnassery is the “ Deepa Junction “. But not sure how many would know that the name evolved from a contribution from the Varkey Vakeel ‘s lineage . 

Now here is the link . Close to the Deepa Junction is a land mark building of yesteryears called “ The Deepa Theatres” which was one of the earllest cinema theaters of that area .It was so named after Deepa John who was the then new born grand daughter to its founder Mr C V Mathew , the youngest son of Varkey Vakeel . This was his second theatre in Thiruvella after the first “ CVM Theatre “ which was the abbreviation of his name C V Mathew .

Though Deepa Theatres was converted to “ Spencer’s Supermarket “ by the present owners the name “ Deepa “ was adopted by the new buildings came up close by like “ Deepa Towers “ and the name of the Junction slowly evolved to known as “ Deepa Junction “ later .

Now you know the connection !